The online revolution

The music industry has been massively affected by the increase in technology and use in internet. 200 million has been lost in previous years due to issues such as illegal downloading and a big percentage of teenagers now illegally download. This issue has affected artists hugely, the loss in revenue affects their new material.

With the issues of the internet, some artists have adapted. They have chosen to work with it and become reliable on promoting through the internet. They realise the big market using it now and have decided to work along side the modern convenience to benefit themselves. Artists such as the Arctic monkeys and Kate Nash have launched their careers on the internet.

Kate Nash started her career through social networking sites and file sharing promotion. She started her career in 2005. After several gigs, she uploaded her music to MySpace. She found a manager for herself before seeking producers for her music.

The Arctic Monkeys began to give out demos of their own music on CDs at a few of their gigs. These were promptly file shared amongst fans. The band was then promoted through networking sites created by fans. The band did a lot for them selves, they got performances at festivals and refused to change to the preferences of record labels. They carried on with their original style and their success was shown in a number of sold out gigs. Eventually they signed to domino records.

To these artists, the internet is seen more as an opportunity than a threat. they have started their careers online and have remained popular as it has been recorded that 1.2 billion is spent on gigs by downloaders.