Intertextual Reference is apart of Goodwins music video theory. Intertextuality is when a music video may borrow images from other media texts. It can relate to Film, Tv or Video games.
Madonna's music video for 'Material Girl' is an example where intertextual reference relates to film. This video contains scenes which are inspired from the 1950's film 'Men Prefer Blondes'. This film stars Marilyn Monroe, but rather than comparing Madonna to Marylin Monroe, both videos are trying to capture the stereotypical image the the Hollywood sexy blonde. aspects of the mise-en-scene, choreography and colour theme all relate to one another.
REM's Bad Day video is a great example where intertextual reference relates to TV. This video takes shape of a news programme.The video appears to be the news, where the presenters are singing the music track.
Video Games;
Music video's intertextual references can also refer to video games. Robbie Williams' video of 'Let love be your energy' takes form of what appears to be a video game. Rather than the video taking form of a performance based video, it appears all to be animated. The singer appears on screen as a cartoon/figure which is similar of one which you would see in a computer game.