Camerawork and Editing

Camera work and editing are two major aspects we need to focus on when creating our music video. Both of these aspects correlates with features of goodwins theory, and can affect the whole meaning of the film. The camera work and editing can portray the feeling and meaning of the lyrics in our chosen song. Boths aspects present and promote the arist in a syle that correlates with his or hers genre.

Camera work
Camera work is heavily focused on in the story boarding process. We need to consider camera angles, movements and shots. All shots need to analysed and thought about in order to portray the right image for the song. We need to really think about the close up of the artist. The close is very important to the record label, some artists sell themselves against their image. A close up gives them an unique identity and selling point. The close up predominates to fill the screen because it creates an intimacy with the audience. This works with goodwins theory, the notion of looking, it creates a relationship with the viewer. The close up emphasises on the arist in shot. At this point in the video, we no longer focus on the song or lyrics, but the artist and their voice. This creates a base of promotion for selling both the song and future work. For camera work we are considering using a 360 degree viewing for our close up. We are considering using both far and close shots.

Editing works with the theorys of editing visuals and music to lyrics. Editing affects the mood of the film, to relate to the genre of music. The slower the music and tone of lyrics, the more slow paced the video would be and gentler transistions would be used to establish the mood. With a faster song and more upbeat music, their would be quicker cuts on beat, This would be matching visuals to music.

Editors are able to use fast cut montage in fast paced songs. Fast cut montages use several cuts from footage. The montage cuts from different angles and shot fast, images are almost impossible to see on first viewing. This is a very clever technique to use on a qucik beat. This is a technique I would be quick to use on a fast paced song. An effect I would like to use would be a split screen affect showing different shots for the same lyrics. I think this creates interest for the viewer.