CD Cover Analysis

This is Amy Winehouse's Album cover for her album 'Back to Black'. The house style colours of this album are black and white. This cover portrays back to basics, it is very simple, relying on the artists image. Amy is very unique and sells herself on her image. The title of this album is shown in several ways in this covers. One I have previously mention about back to basics. And the second where Amy literally has her back to black. Amy is sitting in front of a black board. Suggesting Amy has gone back to the start, started with the raw basics and produced new material.

The typography is bold and clear. This remains the same on single releases by Amy. Both title and Amy stand out on this cover. The covers does not need other images nor patterns, as amy sells herself on image and pure talent. Amy has a big enough fan base, that she does not rely on promoting her self on her album cover. Fans simply buy it because they like her sound.