My digipak will be packaging for my artists album CD but will also help create a brand identity for him. It will share features from the video, my artist's music and the advert I plan to make.
My digipak will link to my video through its theme. The video will be shot on the beach and the digipak will have photography of the location inside it. The ocean and beach is the inspiration for my artist's music.
Through my digipak I am going to develop a brand identity for my artist. I am going to use house colours of a deep red and white. My typography is going to be a serif font. These colours and font will run consistently through out my promotional material. My Album will be self named. The title will appear in a serif font adding a personalised touch. This will become the logo for my artist and will be recognisable as his star motif. For the front cover I have the image of my artist at a cross roads. This image is predominate in my video too. It gives the ideology of a new beginning. This is my artists first album and from here his career can take any turn.
I will make the pack appealing through clever photography and design. The digipak will include information such as; album name, artist name, track names and the name of the record label. This is industry information that forms a convention of a digipak. These aspects of information appear on all CD packaging.
I plan to make my digipak using IT software such as; Paint and Serif Page Plus.